Dlaczego warto rekrutować w Polsce? Ludzie siedzą przy stole i zastanawiają się czy warto

1. Job Portals

Job portals are a powerful tool for recruiting staff in Poland. With numerous platforms available, such as Pracuj.pl and JustJoin.it, you can reach a wide pool of potential candidates. These portals allow you to post job ads with detailed descriptions of the position and required qualifications.

Read our articles about job boards in Poland. 

When utilising job portals, it’s essential to optimise your ad to attract the right talent. Craft a compelling headline that grabs attention and clearly conveys what you’re looking for. Use keywords relevant to the role and industry to improve visibility in search results.

Additionally, take advantage of the advanced filtering options provided by job portals. Specify criteria like location, experience level, and desired skills to narrow down your search for suitable candidates quickly.

Remember that thoroughness is key when reviewing applications on job portals. Take time to evaluate each candidate’s qualifications carefully before shortlisting them for interviews or further assessments.

To maximise your chances of finding top-tier talent through job portals, consider upgrading your listings or utilising featured options offered by some platforms. This will give your job ad more visibility among other listings and increase its chances of being noticed by qualified individuals.

Keep track of your interactions on these platforms by maintaining an organised system for managing applicants’ resumes and communication history. This will help streamline the recruitment process and ensure efficient follow-up with prospective hires.

By leveraging the power of job portals effectively in Poland’s competitive market, you’ll be well on your way towards finding exceptional candidates who align with your company’s values and goals! So don’t hesitate – start exploring these online resources today!

2. Understand the labour market

Familiarise yourself with the current labour market trends, job availability, and salary expectations in Poland. This knowledge will help you attract and retain the right talent.

  • Research job market trends: Stay updated on the current job market trends in Poland. Understand which industries are growing, where the demand for talent is high, and which skills are in demand. This knowledge will help you target your recruitment efforts more effectively.
  • Identify job availability: Determine the availability of candidates in your desired field. This includes assessing the number of qualified professionals, their level of experience, and their willingness to change jobs. This information will give you insights into the level of competition for talent.
  • Analyse salary expectations: Research salary ranges and expectations for different positions in Poland. Take into account factors such as industry, location, and experience levels. Offering competitive salaries is essential to attract and retain top talent.
  • Consider regional differences: Keep in mind that labor market conditions can vary across different regions in Poland. Some areas might have a higher concentration of skilled professionals, while others may face talent shortages. Understand the dynamics specific to the regions you’re targeting.
  • Track unemployment rates: Monitor the unemployment rates in Poland to gauge the overall job market conditions. Lower unemployment rates can indicate a more competitive talent landscape, requiring proactive recruitment strategies.
  • Stay informed about legal and regulatory changes: Keep up-to-date with any changes in labour laws or regulations that may impact the recruitment process. This includes updates on employment contracts, working hours, benefits, and other related policies.
  • Engage with local networks and associations: Connect with local professional networks, industry associations, and chambers of commerce to gain insights into the labour market. Attend events, seminars, and workshops where you can interact with professionals and learn about current market dynamics.
  • Utilise market research reports: Access market research reports and studies on the labour market in Poland. These reports often provide detailed information about industry-specific trends, salary benchmarks, and talent availability.

3. Polish language proficiency

While English proficiency is increasing, it’s still beneficial to seek candidates with a good level of Polish language skills. This ensures effective communication and integration within the workplace.

  • Effective communication: Polish is the official language of Poland, and while many Polish professionals have English language skills, effective communication in the workplace is best achieved when both parties can communicate comfortably in the same language. Having staff members who are proficient in Polish ensures smooth internal communication and collaboration.
  • Client and customer interactions: If your business involves interacting with Polish clients or customers, having staff members who can communicate in Polish is essential for building relationships, providing excellent customer service, and understanding the local market dynamics.
  • Integration and cultural understanding: Hiring candidates who are proficient in Polish demonstrates a commitment to integrating into the local culture and fosters better understanding of the Polish work environment. It facilitates smoother integration into the team and helps employees adapt more easily to the local customs and practices.
  • Access to local talent: While English proficiency is increasing, seeking candidates with Polish language skills broadens your pool of potential candidates, especially for positions that require strong communication with local stakeholders or involve local market knowledge. It allows you to tap into a larger talent pool and select candidates who are better aligned with the local context.
  • Increased job satisfaction: Employees who can communicate effectively in the local language often feel more connected to the workplace culture and colleagues. It can enhance their overall job satisfaction and contribute to better employee engagement and retention.

4. Recruitment Agencies

When it comes to recruiting staff in Poland, one valuable resource that should not be overlooked is recruitment agencies. These agencies specialise in matching qualified candidates with job opportunities, taking the burden of finding suitable candidates off your shoulders.

With their extensive networks and expertise in the local job market, recruitment agencies can help you find top talent efficiently and effectively. They have access to a wide pool of potential candidates who may not be actively looking for jobs but are open to new opportunities.

By partnering with recruitment agencies, you can tap into their knowledge of specific industries and sectors, ensuring that you get access to the most qualified candidates for your business needs. They can also handle all aspects of the recruitment process, from screening resumes to conducting interviews and reference checks.

Additionally, working with a recruitment agency saves you time and resources by streamlining the hiring process. Instead of spending hours sifting through applications or conducting multiple rounds of interviews yourself, you can rely on the expertise of these professionals.

Remember to choose reputable recruitment agencies with experience in your industry or field. Look for agencies that have a proven track record in successfully placing candidates and maintaining strong relationships with both employers and job seekers.

Recruitment agencies play a crucial role in helping businesses recruit staff in Poland. Their vast networks and industry knowledge make them invaluable partners when it comes to finding top talent quickly and efficiently. Collaborating with reputable agencies can streamline your hiring process while ensuring that you attract qualified candidates who are an excellent fit for your organisation’s needs.


5. Cultural awareness

Be mindful of cultural differences and adapt your recruitment process accordingly. Polish candidates may appreciate a more formal and structured approach to interviews and appreciate being asked about their long-term career goals.

  • Formal and structured interviews: Polish candidates generally appreciate a more formal and structured interview process. Ensure that your interviews are well-organised, with clear agendas and expectations. Use a professional tone and address candidates by their last names unless invited to use their first names.
  • Respect for hierarchy: Polish culture places importance on hierarchy and respect for authority. During interviews, demonstrate respect for the candidate’s experience, skills, and accomplishments. Emphasise the opportunities for growth and advancement within your organisation to align with their career goals.
  • Emphasize long-term career development: Polish candidates often value stability and long-term career prospects. During the recruitment process, inquire about their long-term career goals and aspirations. Highlight opportunities for professional growth, training, and advancement within your company to showcase a clear career path.
  • Personal connection and rapport: While maintaining professionalism, Polish candidates appreciate building a personal connection with the interviewer. Take the time to engage in small talk and show genuine interest in their background and experiences. This helps establish rapport and build trust.
  • Attention to detail: Polish culture places emphasis on attention to detail and thoroughness. Pay attention to small details in the recruitment process, such as prompt communication, providing all necessary information, and following up promptly after interviews. This demonstrates your professionalism and respect for the candidate’s time.
  • Clear expectations and transparency: Polish candidates value clear expectations and transparency regarding job responsibilities, work conditions, and company policies. Provide comprehensive job descriptions, clearly communicate expectations during the interview process, and address any questions or concerns they may have.
  • Demonstrating company stability: Polish job seekers often prioritise stability and job security. Highlight your company’s stability, longevity, and reputation in the market during the recruitment process. Emphasise any relevant achievements or long-standing relationships with clients and customers.
  • Respect for work-life balance: Polish culture places importance on work-life balance. Showcase any flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, or family-friendly policies that your company offers. This demonstrates your understanding of their need for a healthy work-life balance.

 6. Comply with labour laws.

Get to know Polish labour laws to ensure compliance throughout the recruitment process. Understand legal requirements such as working hours, employment contracts, and employee rights. The right recruitment agency can help you navigate through labour law in Poland. 

  • Working hours: Familiarise yourself with the regulations regarding working hours in Poland. The standard working week is 40 hours, with a maximum of 8 hours per day. Overtime may be allowed but must adhere to specific requirements, including obtaining the employee’s consent and complying with limits on the number of overtime hours.
  • Employment contracts: Understand the requirements for employment contracts in Poland. Employment contracts should be in writing and include essential details such as job title, job description, working hours, remuneration, duration of employment, notice periods, and probationary periods if applicable. Ensure that contracts comply with the relevant legal provisions.
  • Employee rights: Be aware of the rights and protections afforded to employees in Poland. These include entitlements to paid annual leave, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, and other statutory benefits. Familiarise yourself with the specific provisions for these rights to ensure compliance.
  • Non-discrimination: Poland has laws prohibiting discrimination based on various factors, including gender, age, disability, religion, and sexual orientation. Ensure that your recruitment process is fair, unbiased, and adheres to these anti-discrimination laws.
  • Data protection: Familiarise yourself with Poland’s data protection laws, especially the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Ensure that you handle candidate information in compliance with data protection regulations and obtain necessary consent for processing personal data.
  • Work permits and visas: If you are hiring non-EU/EEA citizens, understand the requirements for work permits and visas. Consult with immigration experts or authorities to ensure that you follow the proper procedures and have the necessary permits in place before employing non-EU/EEA candidates.
  • Minimum wage: Stay updated on the minimum wage regulations in Poland. Ensure that the salaries offered meet or exceed the legally mandated minimum wage for the specific industry and region.
  • Termination procedures: Understand the legal requirements for terminating employment contracts. Be aware of notice periods, severance pay, and the reasons allowed for terminating employment contracts under Polish labour laws.

7. Internships

Internships are a valuable resource when it comes to recruiting staff in Poland. They provide an opportunity for both employers and potential employees to test the waters, so to speak. For employers, internships allow them to assess the skills and capabilities of candidates before making a long-term commitment. For individuals seeking employment, internships offer hands-on experience in their chosen field and a chance to showcase their abilities.

One of the best ways to find interns is through university partnerships. Many universities have internship programs that connect students with local businesses. These programs often require students to complete an internship as part of their degree requirements, making them motivated and eager participants.

Another option is reaching out directly to universities or vocational schools in your area. By offering internships, you can tap into a pool of talented individuals who are looking for real-world experience.

When designing an internship program, be sure to outline clear goals and expectations for both parties involved. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and working toward mutually beneficial outcomes.

Internships can be a win-win situation for both employers and interns alike. It provides organisations with fresh perspectives while giving interns the opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge in their desired field.

8. Job Fairs

Job Fairs can be a fantastic way to recruit staff in Poland. These events bring together job seekers and employers under one roof, creating a bustling atmosphere filled with networking opportunities.

Attending job fairs allows you to meet potential candidates face-to-face, giving you the chance to make a lasting impression and gauge their suitability for your organisation. It also provides an opportunity to showcase your company culture and values, helping you attract like-minded individuals who align with your vision.

To make the most of job fairs, it’s crucial to come prepared. Bring plenty of business cards, brochures or leaflets about your company and any available positions. Dress professionally and have a clear idea of the roles you’re recruiting for so that you can easily communicate this information to interested candidates.

During the event itself, engage in conversations with attendees, ask open-ended questions, and actively listen to their responses. This will help you assess their skills, experience, and overall fit within your organisation. Be sure to take notes on each candidate so that you can follow up later if needed.

Following up after a job fair is key! Connect with promising candidates on LinkedIn or via email as soon as possible. Remember that they may have spoken with multiple companies during the event, so acting promptly shows your genuine interest in them.

Participating in job fairs can be an effective strategy for recruiting top talent in Poland by providing valuable face-to-face interactions and allowing both parties to get a feel for each other’s compatibility.

9. Market competitiveness.

Lower unemployment rates indicate a more competitive job market, where qualified candidates may have multiple job opportunities. This means you may need to be more proactive and creative in your recruitment strategies to attract and secure top talent.

  • Talent availability: Monitoring unemployment rates helps you gauge the availability of talent in specific industries or regions. Lower unemployment rates may indicate a scarcity of qualified candidates, while higher rates could suggest a larger pool of potential applicants.
  • Recruitment timing: Unemployment rates can influence the timing of your recruitment efforts. During periods of higher unemployment, you may receive more applications, giving you a wider range of candidates to choose from. Conversely, when unemployment rates are low, you may need to act quickly to secure top candidates.
  • Compensation and negotiation: Unemployment rates can impact salary expectations and negotiation power. In a low-unemployment environment, candidates may have stronger bargaining power, potentially leading to higher salary demands. Understanding the market conditions helps you align your compensation packages with current expectations.
  • Market trends and economic health: Unemployment rates are often indicative of the overall economic health of a country. Tracking these rates allows you to stay informed about broader market trends and adjust your recruitment strategies accordingly.
  • Market expansion or contraction: Significant changes in unemployment rates may suggest market expansion or contraction in certain sectors. Monitoring these changes helps you identify emerging industries with talent demand or declining sectors that may require strategic adjustments in your recruitment efforts.

To track unemployment rates in Poland, refer to official government sources such as the Central Statistical Office (Główny Urząd Statystyczny – GUS) or the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej). These sources provide regularly updated statistics on employment and unemployment at national and regional levels.

10. Utilise market research reports

Access market research reports and studies on the labour market in Poland. These reports often provide detailed information about industry-specific trends, salary benchmarks, and talent availability.

  • Industry-specific insights: Market research reports provide detailed information about industry-specific trends, dynamics, and forecasts. They can help you understand the current and projected growth areas, skill requirements, and emerging job roles within different sectors. This knowledge allows you to align your recruitment strategies with the specific needs of your industry.
  • Salary benchmarks: Market research reports often include salary benchmarks and compensation data for various job positions and industries. These benchmarks help you determine competitive salary ranges, ensuring that your compensation packages are attractive to candidates while remaining in line with market standards.
  • Talent availability and demand: Market research reports provide insights into talent availability and demand in different sectors. They can highlight skill shortages or areas with a surplus of candidates, enabling you to tailor your recruitment efforts accordingly. By understanding the talent landscape, you can identify areas where proactive sourcing or targeted recruitment strategies may be required.
  • Labor market trends: Reports on the labour market in Poland can offer valuable insights into overall trends, such as employment rates, job creation, and workforce demographics. These trends can inform your recruitment planning, allowing you to anticipate changes in the labour market and adapt your strategies accordingly.
  • Geographic considerations: Market research reports often provide regional breakdowns, allowing you to assess labour market conditions in different areas of Poland. This information helps you understand regional variations in talent availability, competition, and salary expectations. It can be particularly useful if you have specific location requirements or are expanding into new regions.
  • Long-term planning: Accessing market research reports enables you to gain a broader perspective on the labour market in Poland. By analysing long-term trends and projections, you can better plan your recruitment strategies, talent acquisition initiatives, and workforce development plans.

To access market research reports on the labour market in Poland, you can explore reputable sources such as government agencies, industry associations, recruitment agencies, or private research firms. These sources often publish reports that provide comprehensive insights into the local labour market.

Recruiting staff in Poland can be a challenging task, but with these top 10 tips, you’ll be well-equipped to find the right talent for your organisation. Remember to utilise job portals and social media platforms to reach a wider audience and attract potential candidates. Don’t underestimate the power of personal recommendations and networking events, as they can often lead to high-quality hires.

Consider attending job fairs and offering internships as effective ways to connect with young professionals who are eager to gain experience. If you need additional assistance, recruitment agencies can provide valuable support throughout the hiring process. Implementing employee referral programs is another great way to tap into your existing workforce’s network and find suitable candidates.

Don’t forget about online advertising! Utilise targeted ads on popular websites or industry-specific platforms to increase visibility for your job openings. By following these tips and combining various strategies, you’ll maximise your chances of finding talented individuals who will contribute positively to your team.

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