1. These Regulations meet the requirement set out in Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the Electronic Provision of Services and define the rules for the User’s use of the Website.
  2. The Regulations are made permanently available on the webpage of the Website so that the User may obtain, reproduce and record their content at any time by printing or saving them on a carrier.
  3. Each Website User shall observe the provisions of these Terms of Service and generally applicable law.
  4. Your use of the Website means that you accept the Regulations and the Privacy Policy as published on the Website in full and that you enter into a Contract with Simply Talented for the Services provided by Simply Talented. If you do not wish to accept the Regulations and the Privacy Policy, you should promptly leave the Website. The Service Provider reserves the right to deny access to the Website at any time and without specifying the reasons for doing so.
  5. Simply Talented operates the webpage available at for the purpose of providing the following Services:

      a) enabling Candidates to view job offers placed on the Website or sub-sites of Clients or Partners with whom Simply Talented cooperates as part of their recruitment projects;

      b) Candidates uploading their CVs to Simply Talented’s database or sub-sites of Clients or Partners with whom Simply Talented cooperates as part of recruitment projects;

      c) enabling Candidates to apply for jobs offered via Simply Talented or sub-sites of Clients or Partners with whom Simply Talented cooperates as part of their recruitment projects;

      d) establishing cooperation with Clients or Partners regarding projects related to the recruitment of Candidates;

      e) providing other Services specified on the Website.

  6. As part of the cooperation established with Clients or Partners, Simply Talented enables Users to access and use subsites where Users can make use of the services provided by Clients or Partners, where:

      a) the Regulations apply to Simply Talented Services in respect of Partners’ or Clients’ sub-sites, except where otherwise stipulated in separate specific rules and regulations for a particular Service provided by Simply Talented;

      b) the regulations made available to Users by the Partners or Clients on the respective sub-sites apply to the services provided by the Clients or Partners on these sub-sites by the Clients or Partners.

  1. Website Administrator – Simply Talented.
  2. Personal data – information on an identified or identifiable natural person as defined by Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  3. Contact Form – a service that Simply Talented provides free of charge by electronic means to enable the User to send Simply Talented a message through a form on the Website.
  4. Client – entities that are Simply Talented’s clients and other persons to whom Simply Talented provides Services in the course of its business or who Simply Talented reasonably considers to have an interest in its Services.
  5. Civil Code – Polish Act of 23 April 1964 – Civil Code (consolidated text of Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1933, as amended).
  6. Account – the part of the Website made available to the User by Simply Talented, under a Contract as defined in Article 5a of the Consumer Act, upon the User’s registration, under which the User is not required to provide any services other than providing Personal Data, where such data are processed by the Service Provider solely in order to perform a digital service contract through the Website.
  7. Partner – any person or entity with whom Simply Talented has started cooperation to provide Services.
  8. Regulations – these Regulations
  9. GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  10. Website – the online platform operated by Simply Talented, based in Kraków, Poland, offering Services provided by electronic means, including digital services as defined in Article 5a and digital content as defined in Article 2(5) of the Consumer Act.
  11. Contract – the contract concluded between the User and Simply Talented according to the terms of the Regulations.
  12. Service – services provided by the Service Provider by electronic means, including a digital service as defined in Article 5a or digital content as defined in Article 2(5) of the Act, set out in the Regulations.
  13. Service Provider – Simply Talented sp. z o.o. based in Kraków at ul. Sadka 18, 30-690 Kraków, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000917176, NIP (tax ID): 9442272881, REGON (Business ID): 389715890, share capital: PLN 12,000.
  14. Consumer Act – Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights (consolidated text of Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2759, as amended).
  15. Electronic Act – Act of 18 July 2002 on the Electronic Provision of Services (consolidated text of Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended).
  16. User – a natural person, including a consumer, who is at least 18 years old and has full capacity to perform acts in law, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality but able to acquire rights and incur obligations on its own behalf, using the Website.
  1. Unless otherwise stipulated in regulations or separate contracts regarding the provision of individual Services on the Website, the use of the Website is free of charge.
  2. The use by the User of certain Services available on the Website may require the User to register on the Website and set up an Account.
  3. For the purpose of using the Website, the User should have a computer or any other portable device with Internet connection and a web browser installed. The Website may be used only by means of a web browser.
  4. An e-mail account on any server is required in order to use certain Services.
  5. It is necessary to enable the SSL secure data transmission protocol, Java Script, Java, Flash and relevant cookie options in the web browser used by the User to use the Website in order to enjoy the full functionality of certain Services available on the Website.
  6. As part of the Website, the User may:

      a) use the Website without registering or logging in;

      b) register on the Website and set up an Account in this way;

      c) log in to their Account on the Website and use their Account to access Services which are only available to registered Users.

  7. Creating a User Account on the Website is done by accepting the Regulations in advance and by entering the User data required during registration in the registration form. Following Account registration and login to the Account, the User’s data are stored on the Website.
  8. The service contract is concluded the moment the User types in the appropriate web address of the webpage of their choice, containing content made available on the Website, into their browser or uses a redirection to such webpage of the Website. The contract ends upon the User’s exit from the pages of the Website. Entering into and terminating contracts for other services provided by Simply Talented is governed by the provisions of the specific regulations.
  9. A Contract between the User and Simply Talented for the provision of Services available as part of the Account in accordance with the Regulations is concluded upon the creation of an Account on the Website, and the Contract is concluded for an indefinite term. Upon registration, the User is granted access to their Account.
  10. The conditions for the use of the Account by the User are as follows:

      a) The User may have one Account on the Website;

      b) Accounts with the same user data may be deleted;

      c) It is not permitted to use the Account of another user or to share one’s Account and login data with others;

      d) The User is required to secure the login details required to access their Account on the Website.

  11. The User may terminate the Contract with respect to the User’s use of the Website, including within their Account, by deleting the Account according to the procedure specified on the Website.
  12. The User being a Candidate is entitled to remove any data previously uploaded or submitted through the Website,, and also through the Account, including Personal Data. It is possible to discontinue the use of the Services through the appropriate options within the Account or by sending a relevant request by email to [email protected].
  13. Simply Talented may terminate the Contract for the use of the Website, including the Account, with immediate effect, where:

      a) the User is in breach of the Regulations or the regulations of any individual Services,

      b) the User has provided false, obsolete, inaccurate or incomplete information about themselves, including Personal Data or statements, or information about other persons or entities,

      c) the User acts or fails to act in a way that is detrimental to Simply Talented’s reputation or that otherwise causes damage to Simply Talented’s image or to Simply Talented’s relationship with its Clients or Partners as part of its recruitment projects.

  14. Simply Talented may terminate the Contract with regard to the use of the Website, including the Account, in cases other than those specified in § 3(13) of the Regulations, by giving 7 days’ notice without stating a reason.
  15. Simply Talented does not give consent for:

      a) any automated access to or use of the Website, including the Account and the content included in the Website, in particular by using bots, indexing robots and other automated tools which enable the Website to be used without the User’s intervention;

      b) copying, distributing, reproducing or modifying any content on the Website;

      c) posting any slander, threats, offensive language, content inciting violence or racial or any other kind of hatred on the website;

      d) posting any content or material that may affect, even potentially, the performance of the Website, in particular spam, viruses, content or material capable of modifying, deleting or uploading unwanted information on the Website;

      e) Users’ using any device or software to hack, damage, disrupt or otherwise interfere with the operation of the Website.

  16. The User must not post any content on the Website that infringes the generally applicable provisions of law, is contrary to the rules of community life, violates third parties’ rights or personal interests, good practices and accepted social norms, including sending such content via the Contact Form.
  1. Simply Talented represents that the Website includes copyrighted documents, logos, content, artwork, photographs, as well as the layout and arrangement of these elements, and industrial property rights, including rights to trademarks placed on the Website, owned by Simply Talented or third parties, and that the choice and arrangement of the content shown on the Website constitute an intrinsic subject of protection.
  2. Website users agree to use any content shown on the Website solely within the scope of permitted use as referred to in the Act on Copyright and Related Rights. It is forbidden to copy, modify, transmit, publicly reproduce and make any commercial use of this content, unless otherwise required by law. By using the works, users do not acquire any rights in this respect, including, for instance, the right to a licence.
  3. Users guarantee that any use they make through the Website of any copyrighted material for the benefit of third parties, including copying, transmitting and sharing it publicly on the Internet, is done with the permission given by the authorised parties to the Users, and they bear liability for any damage resulting from a breach of these terms of use.
  4. By sharing materials through the Website, Users agree that they may be used by other Users for their personal use, and Simply Talented reserves the right to edit, copy and distribute such materials under its non-exclusive licence.
  5. Users, by sharing materials through the Website, agree that they may be used by other Users for their personal use, and Simply Talented reserves the right to edit, copy and distribute such materials under the non-exclusive licence granted by the User.
  1. Simply Talented exercises due diligence with a view to ensuring the correct operation of the Website, including the Account;’ nevertheless, Simply Talented reserves the right to block access to the Website, including the Account, for any reason outside its control, in particular in the event of force majeure, a required update or a failure of the Website, including the Account. Simply Talented shall not be held liable for any temporary non-functioning of the Website.
  2. Should the Website be inaccessible or not functioning properly for any reason, Simply Talented shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, in particular where Candidates are unable to use their Account and apply for jobs posted there.
  3. Simply Talented retains the right to remove any unsolicited content or material from the Service and to instantly disable access to the Website. Should the above provisions be violated or the Website be used in a manner contrary to the terms of the Regulations or generally applicable law, the individual or entity committing the violations will be held legally liable, and Simply Talented may claim compensation for any damage directly or indirectly incurred by Simply Talented as a result of such conduct by another individual or entity. Individuals or entities guilty of violations may also be held liable under generally applicable law to third parties to whom they have caused damage.
  4. Simply Talented shall also not be held liable for any untrue, incomplete or inaccurate information submitted by any third party, or for any loss or damage suffered by any party that relies on or makes use of information provided through the Website.
  5. Simply Talented does not guarantee any interest on the part of Partners or Clients in potential Candidates and is not liable for any lack thereof, nor does it guarantee that the recruitment process will be successful or that a potential Candidate will be able to meet the Client’s expectations as a potential employer.
  1. The User has the right to lodge a complaint about any Services provided as part of the Website.
  2. A complaint may be lodged:

    a) in writing, by registered letter, to: Simply Talented  sp. z o.o., ul. Sadka 18, 30-690 Kraków;

    b) by email to [email protected].

  3. The complaint should provide the following details:

    a) User’s details: first and last name, address, e-mail address;

    b) a description of the event underlying the complaint;

    c) the subject of the request.

  4. Should any details be missing from the complaint submitted, Simply Talented will request the complainant to provide such missing details within 14 days under pain of leaving the complaint unprocessed. Simply Talented shall not bear any liability towards the complainant for this reason.
  5. The complaint shall be answered within 14 days of Simply Talented receiving a duly submitted complaint with all the required details, in the same form in which it was submitted.
  1. The controller of personal data processed on the Website under the GDPR, with respect to the data of Users using the Services, is Simply Talented sp. z o.o. based in Kraków, ul. Sadka 18, 30-690 Kraków, KRS number: 0000917176, NIP (Tax ID): 9442272881, REGON (Business ID): 389715890.
  2. Simply Talented would like to advise Users that using the webpages of the Website entails the use of cookies, as described in the Privacy Policy.
  3. Simply Talented represents that it will exercise due diligence with a view to providing a secure environment for the use of the Website by Users, including by ensuring that any information provided by Users, especially Personal Data, is duly protected.
  4. Simply Talented shall not be held liable for any consequences of any User sharing, however and wheresoever, any information regarding that User, including Personal Data or Account login details with unauthorised persons, which may be misused by other Users.
  5. Should the User get redirected from the Website to a third-party website or sub-site, the User provides their Personal Data at their sole risk. The User’s use of the login option via a third-party operated website or sub-site leading to a direct access to the Website, including logging into a Website Account, is at the User’s sole risk. In such cases, the Website Regulations do not apply and Users are advised to read the privacy policy of the entity beforehand.
  1. Simply Talented may amend the Regulations for good reasons, such as:

      a) amendments to generally applicable law;

      b) a judgment, order, administrative decision, recommendation or instruction being issued by a court or a competent body; obligations or prohibitions being imposed on Simply Talented to the extent that they relate to Simply Talented’s business or the Services provided,

      c) changes to the Services provided by Simply Talented as a result of a change in the scope or type of Services provided on the Website.

  2. Simply Talented will provide notice to Users of the Website of any proposed amendments to the Regulations by identifying those amendments and sharing the content of the new Regulations in one of the following ways:

      a) by posting a notice on the Website no later than 7 days prior to the proposed entry into force date of the amendments to the Regulations,

      b) by sending an electronic message, no later than 7 days prior to the date of entry into force of the amendments to the Regulations, to the e-mail address provided by the User using a Website Account who has entered into a Contract with the Service Provider.

  3. Any amendments to the Regulations will become effective within 7 days after being communicated unless the amendments take effect within a shorter period for reasons beyond Simply Talented’s control.
  4. Should the User disagree with the proposed amendments to the Regulations, the User may terminate the Contract with immediate effect by sending a notice to the postal address or by e-mail to: [email protected].
  5. The provisions of generally applicable law, in particular the provisions of the Electronic Act, the Consumer Act, the Civil Code, the General Data Protection Regulation, shall apply to all matters not regulated by these Regulations.
  6. The Regulations take effect as of 22 April 2024.